British Values

How do we teach this?
  • Class charter and classroom expectations
  • Pupil voice is valued throughout the school at class and school level, such as the school council, questionnaires, and entry and exit interviews
  • Children are involved with decisions such as swimming pool changing room, vision logo design
  • Parent voice is valued through questionnaires, feedback and parent council
  • Whenever possible we model the democratic process informally such as school councillors elected by peers and help make Waterman a better place to learn
  • School council meetings
  • Children are given plenty of opportunities to share their views – across the curriculum
  • Governor elections
  • Children are also taught to respect public institutions and service as part of their learning. e.g. ‘People who help us.’ (EYFS)
British Value
Rule of Law
How do we teach this?
  • All children are taught to understand the importance of making’ right choices’. Children are taught to understand that we need to make right choices to keep our school a ‘happy and safe place to learn’
  • High expectations of children
  • Well-developed behaviour policy. We teach children the importance of keeping to the school rules
  • Children are taught the value and reasons behind our expectations (rules) that they are there to protect us, that everyone has a responsibility and that there are consequences when rules are broken
  • Eco committee
  • Academy Ambassadors
  • PALs (Play Activity Leaders)
  • Head Boy and Head Girl
  • Visits from the wider community e.g police/ fire service
  • Everyone is involved in the creation of school expectations
  • Community link for example with local police officer
  • Uniform expectations
  • Our PSHE and SMSC curriculum provide staff with further opportunities to embed our ‘values and rules’

British Value
Individual Liberty 

How do we teach this?
  • Children are strongly encouraged to develop independence in learning and to think for themselves
  • We support the children in becoming confident, effective independent learners and citizens in many of our curriculum activities including extra curriculum activities
  • We foster children taking responsibility for their own action e.g. their choice
  • We teach children that with freedom comes responsibilities for their behaviour
  • We teach the children to be safe such as e-safety
  • We create a positive culture on school
  • PSHE lessons / SEAL
  • Children are strongly encouraged to develop independence in learning and to think for themselves through developing growth mind-set and empowering the children to choose their own learning challenge
  • Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms. 
British Value
Mutual Respect
How do we teach this?
  • Respect is at the heart of our values for all stakeholders and is fundamental
  • Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others
  • All members of the school community treat each other with respect and this is communicated through classroom and school expectations
  • Expectations such as in assembly and listening to everyone
British Value
Tolerance of different beliefs and faiths
How do we teach this?
  • Rich and diverse curriculum
  • Routines of daily school life- we strive to demonstrate tolerance and help children become more knowledgeable and understanding citizens who can help build a better Britain for the future
  • Signs around school / displays in different languages
  • Special lunches/ foods from different cultures
  • Links with Kenyan / Spanish school
  • Visitors in school from Kenya
  • We pay explicit attention to this as part of our RE, PHSE, and SMSC curriculum

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